三ノ宮を中心に活躍しているイギリス人のSimonさん をボーカルとしたバンド’Kinki Mixtape’がとても大切なファンのために感謝の気 持ちを込めて三田のキッチンカフェKey Largo(キーラーゴ)でライブをします。三田にお住 まいの方はもちろんのこと、神戸や大阪方面の方もアウト レットやめんたいパークも楽しめる三田でのライブにお越 しください。
On January 8, Kinki Mixtape be playing a special one off early evening show at cafe and live bar Key Largo in Sanda city, up north from Kobe city, as a very special thank you to a very special fan of ours. Everyone is of course welcome however, and in fact the more the merrier.
Monday January 8th is a national holiday, and people will no doubt have work the next day so we will be kicking off around 5pm and finishing early too, probably finishing the music no later than 8pm, and the whole vibe will be relatively chill.
Admission is free, no door charge, but you are welcome to fill the tips jar to help pay for our transport back home.
The venue is a short walk from JR Sanda City station, or a 30-minute drive from downtown Kobe.
Why not come out for a roadtrip and end your winter holiday the right way?
キーラーゴでは、絶品のチーズカツレツ、オリジナルなカレーなどなど美味しいメニューもありますよ〜。 Kinki mixtape beyond Sanda dome
2018年1月8日(月・祝) 17:00-20:00
キッチンカフェKey Largo(キーラーゴ)
Monday January 8th is a national holiday, and people will no doubt have work the next day so we will be kicking off around 5pm and finishing early too, probably finishing the music no later than 8pm, and the whole vibe will be relatively chill.
Admission is free, no door charge, but you are welcome to fill the tips jar to help pay for our transport back home.
The venue is a short walk from JR Sanda City station, or a 30-minute drive from downtown Kobe.
Why not come out for a roadtrip and end your winter holiday the right way?
キーラーゴでは、絶品のチーズカツレツ、オリジナルなカレーなどなど美味しいメニューもありますよ〜。 Kinki mixtape beyond Sanda dome
2018年1月8日(月・祝) 17:00-20:00
キッチンカフェKey Largo(キーラーゴ)